Get your book published

There are many options to get your book published. If you want to get a contract with a mainstream publisher and you’ve done your research you should know which publishers are the best ones to approach with your proposal. Most publishing houses have an online submission process.
More and more authors are choosing to publish independently as it gives you control and higher profits on your book sales. Whether you self-publish through a service such as Ingram Sparks or Lulu, or work with an independent publisher such as AuthorHouse, iUniverse or Endless Bookcase, it’s wise to examine exactly what you will get for your money and be aware of the additional services that you may need to engage yourself.
Most of the authors we work with use the Endless Bookcase, because they are very supportive of their authors and don’t just publish and then forget about your book.
Amazon also offer a self-publishing package, but be aware that you would be giving them exclusive rights to your book and may not be able to sell it elsewhere.