Welcome to your bonuses!
Thank you for joining the launch promotion.
I hope you enjoy reading your copy of The R.A.V.E. Tookit.
As it has to be packed and posted it may be a few days before it arrives – meanwhile here is the information you need to claim your bonuses:
1-2-1 Strategy sessions
The draw will take place on Monday 20th November live on LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube at 10am.
The winner will be notified by email.
An ecopy of The Reputation Gap (value £9.97)
You can access your copy here:
Your place on The Ideal Client workshop on 24th November (value £47)
Here is the link to join the webinar – add it to your calendar now. This is ONLY for people who have pre-ordered The R.A.V.E. Toolkit, it is not open to anyone else.
And here are your templates (value £250)
Choose whether to download the pdf or the interactive files in Word. The spreadsheet is only available as an Excel document. Click the images below to download your goodies!