Usability is all about how easy it is for people to find the answer to their query, the information they wanted and their way around your site.
The first challenge is that people can see whether you’ve got what they thought they wanted quickly. This is usually down to clear headlines, clean navigation and no confusing clutter on the page on which they arrive and simple, straightforward web copy.
The second challenge is that the site is constructed logically with easy to understand menu choices – so NOT ‘who we are’, but stick to ‘About’; much less creative, but doesn’t require people to think about it! When they get to the ‘About’ page make sure the web copy doesn’t spawn lots of additional pages with details of ‘what we do’, ‘how we work’, ‘mission statement’, etc.
The third challenge is that your web copy only provides the information that people are looking for. Just because you know all the technical detail about your product or service, don’t assume everyone else wants to know it too (hopefully, that’s what they’ll be paying you for – your knowledge and the ability to make life easier for them). Don’t be tempted to write web copy on too many subjects, stick to the point.
The fourth challenge is to keep them focused on the key message – so no fancy whizzy things that take their eyes away from the web copy and resist the urge to litter the page with pretty coloured boxes and options that provide far too many choices for them to decide amongst.
This is just the start of it – but it’s a good start! Sign up to the news service (to the right of here) and you’ll receive lots more useful information in small bite-sized chunks!