I don’t know what’s working

I don’t know what’s working

John Wanamaker, a 19th century retailer is accredited with the quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Many businesses say similar things about their marketing – along the lines of ‘I know some of my...
Make marketing work

Make marketing work

If you’re running a small business marketing is essential, but it’s also one of the things that gets pushed down the to-do list when you get busy.  If you don’t maintain visibility and keep ‘restuffing the sausage machine’, you’ll find your business suffers from feast...
Fail to plan …

Fail to plan …

It’s that time of year when thoughts turn to a shiny new year and you start making plans (often called New Year’s Resolutions or the Annual Business Plan).  People who know me often hear me referring to them as ‘New Year’s Revolutions’ (with my tongue firmly in my...
What’s your marketing strategy?

What’s your marketing strategy?

If you haven’t really got past writing the odd blog article and posting on social media when you have time, you need to take some time out and put a proper marketing strategy in place. OK – that sounds a bit like a teacher (or maybe your mum!)  But if you’re serious...
Shiny, happy people

Shiny, happy people

With a lovely unsullied year ahead, now is a great time to give your reputation marketing plan either a makeover or a shiny polish. You can never underestimate the power of what people are gossiping about – and, while the public seem to focus on the negative, it...
What makes a reputation?

What makes a reputation?

Your reputation is what people say about you, whether verbally or in writing.  To build a good reputation you need to influence two groups of people: Those who know you and have experienced your expertise Those who don’t know you yet Customers This includes clients –...