Facebook: business or personal?

Facebook: business or personal?

I’ve been using Facebook since it started back in 2005 – and while I wouldn’t call myself an expert, I know a bit about it.  I have a personal profile and I drop in a few times a week and read what my friends and family share.  I like things, I comment...
Start a subscription service

Start a subscription service

If you deliver products or services to other businesses (B2B) you may consider Facebook isn’t for you, but it’s an excellent platform for launching a subscription service as it offers some features that aren’t available on other platforms. You can run a private group...
Facebook or not?

Facebook or not?

Lots of our clients sell to other businesses and I’m often asked, ‘Is it worth doing Facebook?’  I think it’s a mistake to completely ignore it and the secret is in having the right strategy for your business and your target customers. Facebook is a social platform,...
Build a community

Build a community

If your business has a Facebook Page, you’ll need to work at it for it to be successful. Likes and Follows are important – and often others will judge you based on your numbers.  However, there’s much more to a successful Facebook Page than big numbers of...
We’re engaged!

We’re engaged!

Facebook is a powerful platform.  Millions of people look at it daily so it’s a great way to put your business offering in front of a lot of people. Facebook frowns on using personal accounts for business, but there are business pages to fulfil that role.  The only...
Does your Facebook page work?

Does your Facebook page work?

So many people don’t ‘get’ Facebook for business, but if you’re selling to individuals rather than companies, it’s a really powerful platform. But let’s blow a myth away first. If you have a Facebook Page everyone can see what’s posted on your personal account. Not...