If you create any copy to promote your business you will probably find this useful. If you don’t think you create copy then consider that every email or letter that goes out creates an impression … OK, have I got your attention?

When you’re presenting your products or services how do you create the copy? Where do you start getting ideas for marketing what you deliver? Here are three key things that you should take into account whether you’re writing your website, a brochure or an email.

1. Remember who you’re writing for – it’s not you! Do you know what your target audience want to know? If you don’t, take the time to find out – it will make your words much more focused and compelling.

2. Ensure you understand why your best clients like what you do. If they like a particular aspect of your service or a unique feature of your product range find out why; there’s a very good chance that other people will like that too – this gives you a much more powerful marketing tool.

3. Don’t tell your reader what you do. Typical copy from businesses says things like ‘We take great care to …’, ‘We put our clients first …’, ‘We give you peace of mind …’ and so on. That’s about you – as your potential customer I want to know what I get. This isn’t as tough as you might think; those phrases ‘translate’ to:

  • ‘You’ll find your order will be treated with care and attention …’
  • ‘Your needs are right at the top of our ‘top priority’ list …’
  • ‘You can stop worrying about … and know you’re in safe hands.’
  • You can write copy that works if you know how.
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