Different rules apply when you put your message on paper instead of the screen. You need to consider how people handle the document.
In yesterday’s meeting we discussed the impact of letters, formal invitation cards and email. They all work in different ways.
If you want someone to pay attention to your message a letter works better than email in most cases. Especially if the envelope is hand written (neatly, of course) and it has a stamp rather than a frank.
Because most people receive fewer letters that are personally addressed and zillions of emails that are scanned rather than read, a personal letter makes more of an impact.
Invitation cards also create an impact – but don’t put anything on the other side, people often never turn them over and anything on the back doesn’t get seen by up to 50% of the recipients. This also applies to A4 flyers, unless you have a big bold ‘please turn over’ instruction in the bottom right hand corner – on both sides.
To get email messages opened they need a really good headline. It’s a bit like web copy – you have to engage your reader quickly and in only a few words.
When you’re marketing think carefully about the impact you’re making and choose a method that makes things happen.
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