AI for business

AI for business

I’m what people usually describe as a senior citizen, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve got a closed mind to the latest technology.  I’ve heard people much, much younger than me express doubt that AI is a good thing (and a few people say that they’re too old to get...
How busy are you?

How busy are you?

I think the word ‘Business’ evolved from ‘busy-ness’!  Lots of businesses are created because someone has a passion for something – and then they discover that their business needs more than their passion. When your passion is your core offering, the other ‘stuff’...
Unconscious incompetence

Unconscious incompetence

The subject of ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ has come up in several conversations lately.  In conversations with people who have transitioned from corporate employee to business owner and people who are in a new role in a business and don’t have experience...
What are your aspirations?

What are your aspirations?

Running a business is hard work.  It doesn’t matter if you’re just getting started with a clean sheet, are struggling to gain traction or you’ve cracked it and have a thriving business – you can’t afford to pin your hopes on ‘luck’. If I could only recommend one book...
The secret of successful marketing

The secret of successful marketing

Once upon a time I was the director of a management training and consultancy practice.  Actually, I was one of three directors and we all came from different backgrounds.  I was from FMCG – retail, my colleagues were from banking and finance training and from further...