Video can BE the radio star!

Video can BE the radio star!

One hit wonders, The Buggles, hit the charts in 1979 with their single Video killed the radio star – and claim the title for the first video to be aired on MTV.  Then they vanished (eventually joining prog-rock band Yes).  In 1979 video was just making its debut into...
Get in the media!

Get in the media!

The days of writing a monthly press release have moved on and there are far more ways to get noticed in the media than struggling to find a good subject for a press release that will engage editors. Like publishing, the media has moved into a much more diverse range...
The podcast blog

The podcast blog

Blogging has become a valuable part of the content marketing strategy for many businesses.  Good quality content is something that gets you found by search engines, read by potential clients and shared on social media. But what if facing a blank screen and writing is...