The best business card you’ll ever have!

The best business card you’ll ever have!

Business cards are still alive and well, a few have become digital, but in the business networking circles I move in, most people have a piece of card with their essential content details on to hand over.  But what do you do with all those pieces of cardboard when you...
There’s more to being an author than writing

There’s more to being an author than writing

Virtually everyone has valuable knowledge they could share in a book and, if you’re a business owner, you’ll have experience to back that up.  But writing a book isn’t just about sitting down and writing 40-50,000 words. Research A smart author does their homework. ...
From pipedream to profit

From pipedream to profit

First time authors often underestimate the amount of work that goes into writing a successful book.  I know many authors whose books don’t do as well as they could because they’ve neglected one or more of these essential stages. 1: Research Before you even start...
Me, an author?

Me, an author?

Currently, the boot of my car has a couple of dozen copies of the latest book I’ve produced, The Reputation Gap, written with my co-author, Peter Roper.  It’s not my first book and I’m currently well into the next one.  As a writer, it’s probably not surprising that...
How to write a non-fiction book

How to write a non-fiction book

A book is a great way to set yourself apart from your competitors.  Being an author gives you a certain kudos – as long as you’re working with a good editor/writer who will take your amazing ideas and polish them to a fine shine. If you’re planning to share your...