by lesley | Feb 7, 2022 | Marketing, Reputation
Human beings are curious creatures – they’re always gossiping about each other. Even if you don’t think you are – when you discuss someone else with another person, whether on the phone, in person, at a networking event or on social media – you’re...
by lesley | Nov 15, 2021 | Reputation
Every time you attend a networking meeting, visit a client, show up on a Zoom meeting, post on social media – or even chat with a friend – somebody is watching. And every move you make is measured against your reputation. A few years back I was lecturing...
by lesley | Aug 30, 2021 | Marketing, Reputation
When you’re running a business you need to be visible, so you meet potential customers and they find out how amazing you are! When I say ‘meet’, I don’t necessarily mean physically meet people – that’s only part of the process; you also need to meet people...
by lesley | Jun 28, 2021 | Newsletters
There are lots of ways to build your reputation, but it’s easier to influence people who already have some experience of you, than to start cold with someone who doesn’t know you at all. That’s where a newsletter is invaluable. It serves three main purposes: Keeping...
by lesley | Jun 14, 2021 | Marketing, Reputation
This is a question I’m often asked – sometimes people mishear it as ‘reputation management’, which is a different animal altogether. Some people just hear ‘marketing’ and assume we do all marketing activities. So it’s time to set the record straight....