5 steps to business success

5 steps to business success

Promising you a ‘magic bullet’ to solve all your business challenges isn’t very realistic – BUT these five things will make a significant difference. ONE – Make your mind up! If I had £1 for every time someone at a networking meeting described their ideal contact as...
5 steps to business success

Building your online reputation

Marketing is a vast subject – and impacts on every area in your organisation no matter how big or small.  Reputation marketing is a small part of it. So what is reputation marketing exactly? It’s taking control of your online profile (and equally your offline profile,...
Why, Who, Where, What, When and How?

Why, Who, Where, What, When and How?

When I’m talking to people about marketing their reputation I often find that they haven’t really thought about the Why, Who, Where, What, When and How of their online marketing.  Quite often the reason for embarking on it is ‘because everyone else...
The Devil’s in the Detail

The Devil’s in the Detail

Can you answer these three questions – easily? What would your ideal client look like? What is their biggest problem/frustration/challenge – that you can solve for them? What are the benefits that they’d get from working with you – instead of...
Top 10 tips to improve your reputation

Top 10 tips to improve your reputation

Reputation is generated by ‘people talking about you’; that can include people writing about you too and that can include: Emails Social media Blogs including comments on your blog or someone else’s, possibly a third party’s Testimonials or recommendations on various...