‘I love it when a plan comes together’

‘I love it when a plan comes together’

I have fond memories of the A-Team and this favourite saying of their leader, Hannibal Smith.  Maybe it’s because I’m a left-brain systems freak – so I love a good plan. Content marketing brings together the creative right brain and the analytical left brain. ...
Style over substance

Style over substance

One of the things I’ve noticed as we’ve all had to change the way we work is that people are paying more attention to planning.  Maybe it’s because they are having to do more with less budget; maybe it’s because they are having to work differently and need a different...
5 top YouTube tips

5 top YouTube tips

If you want to really leverage the power of YouTube you need to get your videos to reach as many people as possible.  Assuming your videos are full of great and engaging content, let’s look at the other things you can do to get your videos to rank on the first page of...
The Social Mix

The Social Mix

One of the questions we get asked most frequently is ‘What should we post on social media?’. It may seem like an ‘obvious’ question, but it’s hard to find or generate good quality  content that establishes your reputation and engages potential clients. Also, different...
Become a vlogger!

Become a vlogger!

There are lots of people who make a considerable income from video content – mostly on YouTube – they’re known as vloggers (short for video web loggers). YouTube is a powerful platform – it’s not only the second largest search engine that people use...