Writing subheaders on the web

Writing subheaders on the web

I’ve talked about headlines and how important they are – then the subject of subheaders came up. So what is a subheader? It’s not a byline – that’s the ‘by Joe Bloggs’ bit that tells you who wrote it. It’s not a...
Writing subheaders on the web

Presenting yourself to the world

These days most of us don’t ‘cold call’ – it’s more ‘warm connections’. You meet people at networking events or through online profiles on a wide variety of sites and, when you need a service, you contact the people you have...

Every picture tells a story

If your website has pictures or visuals of some kind – it lightens up the web copy and helps people to be attracted to the site, but pictures have their drawbacks too. Where do you get them from? If your visuals are helping you to get your message across, then...
Writing subheaders on the web

Has your web copy passed the we-we test?

When you write web copy you want to tell people all about what you do. It’s really important that they understand what you can deliver or they won’t buy what you are offering – right? Wrong! Nobody is interested in what you do – they’re...