The biggest problem that people have with writing their own web copy is that we all know too much about our own businesses – and want to tell everyone all we know!
That might be a bit of an exaggeration, but if you’ve ever tried writing web copy for yourself, you’ll probably have struggled a bit.
Writing web copy – or any other kind of marketing copy – requires you to put yourself firmly in the shoes of your reader. You’ll need to know:
What they are likely to be looking for when they arrive on your website.
What the areas of pain are that they want to remove?
what they will get from your products or services (not what you or the products do).
What they are NOT interested in knowing:
What you do
How long you’ve been in business
The technical details of your offering (at least not yet)
They’re interested in turning their visions into reality – so you need to address those. Draw the picture in words of what life will be like with your product or service – in other words, as the old cliche goes ‘sell the sizzle, not the steak’!
Yes, writing web copy is an art – but it’s based on science. Do your research, ask people what they want to know from a site like yours, be clear about the real benefits that the purchaser will get and you’ll find your web copy will be right on target.
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