Are you a thought-leader?

Are you a thought-leader?

Press releases are so ‘yesterday’!  And not very productive either. Whatever you think your story is, it’s often difficult to convince an editor that it has ‘legs’.  However, there are better opportunities to get PR coverage in the print (and digital print) media....
Newsletters: For or against?

Newsletters: For or against?

Do you like newsletters?  Do you read the ones that arrive in your email inbox? We send out a newsletter twice a month, but it’s not really ‘news’, in the sense that it’s not about what’s going on in our business.  Nobody cares about what we’re doing, only in getting...
Social media is a two-way street

Social media is a two-way street

As a business owner it’s tempting to see social media as an excellent way to promote your products or service, but there’s more to it than that. If you operate on a broadcast-only strategy people will rapidly get bored and stop reading your posts.  There are a few...
Give your reputation a polish

Give your reputation a polish

Everything you say and do influences what other people think about you – and what they say to others about you.  Does that mean that you should censor everything and go around in a permanent state of worry in case you say something people don’t like?  Definitely...
The Lazy Blogger

The Lazy Blogger

There’s a saying that suggests if you want the most efficient way to do something ask a lazy person – they’ll find the shortcuts and remove time-consuming activities along the way.  This is my lazy blogger’s guide. Firstly, are you a talker or a writer? If...