How long should a blog be?

How long should a blog be?

I was asked this only this morning – and it’s a question that comes up frequently. What was my answer? “That’s a ‘how long is a piece of string’ question!” Not very helpful – but it’s true. SEO people will tell you that you need to write 300, 500, 600...
Are you staging a revolution?

Are you staging a revolution?

We’re well into January and business owners are focused on the year ahead.  Did you set New Year Resolutions for your business as well as your personal ones? I have a theory about New Year resolutions – in fact I call them ‘Revolutions’.  This is because they...
Why would you write a book?

Why would you write a book?

The idea of writing a book crosses most people’s minds at some point – there is a saying that everyone has at least one book in them – but have you ever seriously thought about it? If you are a business owner, trainer, coach, consultant or speaker to have...
Is your website up-to-date?

Is your website up-to-date?

When was the last time you looked at your website?  If you’re thinking that’s not something you need to do – after all, you KNOW what’s on it – time for a rethink. You may think you know what’s on your website, but, if you have more than a handful of pages...