by lesley | May 23, 2016 | Marketing, Reputation
Promising you a ‘magic bullet’ to solve all your business challenges isn’t very realistic – BUT these five things will make a significant difference. ONE – Make your mind up! If I had £1 for every time someone at a networking meeting described their ideal contact as...
by lesley | Apr 18, 2016 | Marketing, Reputation
Children don’t respond well to being ignored. Most children want some kind of interaction as reassurance that they are part of a group. They need telling they’re being good; that people are happy to have them around. In fact, if they aren’t getting any feedback...
by lesley | Apr 11, 2016 | Uncategorized
If you’re running a service business you’re probably exchanging your time for money. That means that to really grow your earning potential you need to: Charge more per hour or day Employee people and charge their time out at more than you pay them Find a way to earn...
by lesley | Mar 22, 2016 | Marketing
If you work in a large organisation collaboration is part of the working environment; whether it’s working with colleagues in your department or as part of a multi-functional team. When you’re in a smaller company it’s less in evidence – if there are fewer than 20...
by lesley | Feb 24, 2016 | Marketing, Uncategorized
The toughest lesson many of my clients have to learn is that their marketing is not supposed to be all about them. “But it’s our marketing, it has to be about us,” they argue – but let’s look at it from a different angle – the customer’s. When you visit my website...
by lesley | Jan 12, 2016 | Marketing
In 2016 the most effective way to get business is by referral. People who rate you refer others to you so what do you do to make that referral process easy? Most business owners network – online and offline. They’re on LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and/or have a page on...
by lesley | Jan 5, 2016 | Inspiration
It’s that time of year when people decide it’s time to make changes, whether it’s in their own life or to their business. I’ve always called them revolutions rather than resolutions, simply because they end up either: Being a massive change or...
by lesley | Nov 30, 2015 | Websites
If people visit your website and don’t ‘get it’ they disappear fast – often referred to as a high bounce rate. This is bad news, so you need to know how to hang on to visitors long enough to persuade them to take action. There are lots of reasons why people leave...
by lesley | Nov 12, 2015 | Writing Skills
I’ve been reading On Writing Well by William Zinsser and have been delighted by some of his descriptions of convoluted use of English. A classic example is the announcement that ‘We are presently anticipating experiencing considerable precipitation’ really means ‘it...
by lesley | Oct 26, 2015 | Marketing, Reputation
Marketing is a vast subject – and impacts on every area in your organisation no matter how big or small. Reputation marketing is a small part of it. So what is reputation marketing exactly? It’s taking control of your online profile (and equally your offline profile,...