Let me tell you a story …

Let me tell you a story …

I belong to a choir and every member of the choir is really dedicated to not only the choir as a whole, but to supporting each other in the same way as a family would.  If anyone needs anything they only have to ask and someone will jump in and offer help.  Members...
What kind of reputation does your business have?

What kind of reputation does your business have?

When you launch a new business you usually have an idea of how you want your market to see you, but how do you ensure you get what you want? Reputation is based on what other people say about you – and word-of-mouth is an incredibly powerful tool.  While you can’t...
Strategy isn’t a dirty word

Strategy isn’t a dirty word

I go to a variety of networking events and that word ‘strategy’ comes up regularly.  I used to think that this indicated that most small business owners had a strategy for their business and a plan to put it into practice.  Consequently, when I ask more in depth...
When money is tight

When money is tight

I had a Yorkshire mother – and they can give the Scots a run for their money when it comes to being frugal.  She recycled and reused long before it was a thing and always found ways to make a little go a long way.  Now we’re in a different age and sustainability is...
How to achieve your goals

How to achieve your goals

Find a quiet and undisturbed environment.  With a large pad of paper and plenty of pens, pencils and coloured markers, get comfortable and start writing. List all the goals you would like to achieve in your life, no matter how outrageous they may appear right now. ...
Times they are a-changing

Times they are a-changing

There’s no doubt that along with the aftermath of the pandemic and due to the knock-on effects of the situation in Ukraine there’s been a serious impact on the global economy. Higher costs will affect businesses too – most businesses can’t survive without power and...