by lesley | Jan 9, 2017 | Blogging, Marketing
Small businesses are no longer dependent on the banks for funding – crowd-funding is the hot new way to raise money. There are many crowd-funding platforms that give you the opportunity to pitch to potential supporters, but it’s not just an easy way to get money there...
by lesley | Jan 4, 2017 | Marketing
Getting your company featured in the right publications is what companies pay top PR agencies a lot of money to do. Why? Because it’s tough to get published. Over the years I’ve had plenty of companies come to me and ask for a press release to be written –...
by lesley | Dec 28, 2016 | Marketing
I specialise in Reputation Marketing – and I have to admit that, whilst I passed an exam in Marketing many years ago, I don’t cover the whole marketing spectrum. However, most small business owners consider marketing is about making yourself visible. This might be...
by lesley | Dec 5, 2016 | Blogging, Marketing, Newsletters
How many websites do you visit and they ask you to ‘sign up’ for their newsletter? There’s no indication of what the newsletter will deliver and these days most of us are smart enough to recognise it as a means of getting our email address to market to us. There’s...
by lesley | Nov 28, 2016 | Blogging, Marketing, Social media
Auberon Waugh invented this phrase to describe the middle classes who were well-educated, had strong political views and were social concerned. It wasn’t a compliment! Today it might be used in a completely different way – to describe people who spend all their time...
by lesley | Nov 21, 2016 | Blogging, Marketing
If you follow what I write about you’ll know that I talk about the RAVE acronym – Reputation, Authority, Visibility, Expertise – and today I’m focused on Expertise. Unless someone has actually paid for your services, how do they know how good you are? They have to...