31 questions every budding author should ask

31 questions every budding author should ask

If you think being the author of a book would be a good business strategy then there are some things you need to consider first. Why you? What qualifies you to write about this subject? Have you got a following for this area of expertise either on your blog, social...
7 steps to make writing a book easy

7 steps to make writing a book easy

If you’re a speaker, business trainer, consultant or any other kind of expert you’ll almost certainly have considered writing a book at some point.  So what’s stopped you so far? I blew a few excuses out of the water in the last blog I wrote about writing books, but I...
7 steps to make writing a book easy

Have you got a book in you?

I’m not talking an epic novel here – but, if you’re an expert in something, you’ve almost certainly got a book in your head.  The challenge is turning it into a powerful marketing tool. I’ve written a lot about writing, publishing and marketing business books, but...
7 steps to make writing a book easy

Marketing your book

If you’ve read the previous blogs on turning your book idea into a plan, then getting the idea into words and finally getting published you just have one very important step to complete now: Marketing! Whether you publish your book through a conventional publishing...
7 steps to make writing a book easy

How to get your book published

If you’ve done your research, got your plan worked out and have started writing your book, you’ll need to think about how it will be published. There are a number of options: Get a publishing house interested and get a contract Self-publish Publish it as an ebook and...
7 steps to make writing a book easy

So you want to write a book … 2

If you’ve read the first blog in this series you’ll be focused on writing a book that actually has a market.  So how do you go about putting it together? If you’re a professional writer it shouldn’t be a problem, however, I’ve met a few people who have no...