Technology has delivered a faster paced life to us all – we get information quicker and in much larger quantities, so it’s no wonder that we feel a bit overwhelmed at times?

How many people do you know who mutter about ‘work overload’, ‘not enough hours in the day’, ‘never seem to catch up’ and other typical phrases of busy people? You’ve probably uttered a few yourself – and how many time management books have you got (and probably never had time to read)?

What’s this got to do with writing copy? Well, would you rather be working late or out enjoying the sunshine? Would you prefer to sit in front of a computer or relax with your friends or family? It’s a no-brainer! Think about what you’re offering and how it will help the buyer to use their time better.

  • Will it make them more efficient?
  • Will it save them from doing a task that someone else can do?
  • Will it streamline a process?
  • Will it create a means of doing two or more things with one activity?
  • Will it get results quicker than their current method?
  • The secret is not only in explaining how much time that your potential buyer can save – but also get them to see themselves using that time in a pleasurable or more productive way.

    For example: Are you slaving away over writing the copy for your website and still can’t seem to get it right? Don’t worry, you can have focused, reader-friendly and search engine friendly copy written for you in a fraction of the time it will take you to do it yourself – leaving you free to get out of the office on time, instead of staring at a computer screen late into the evening.

    Your site will get more traffic, have higher retention rates and more people contacting you – and you can spend your time making your customers happy with the top class service you provide, getting more business and higher profits.
    Sign up to our FREE data service and get your free reports, tips and information that will help you get your message across in writing.

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