The Chattering Classes

The Chattering Classes

Auberon Waugh invented this phrase to describe the middle classes who were well-educated, had strong political views and were social concerned.  It wasn’t a compliment!  Today it might be used in a completely different way – to describe people who spend all their time...
The Chattering Classes

What a show-off!

If you follow what I write about you’ll know that I talk about the RAVE acronym – Reputation, Authority, Visibility, Expertise – and today I’m focused on Expertise. Unless someone has actually paid for your services, how do they know how good you are?  They have to...
The Chattering Classes

What is a writer?

The simple answer is ‘someone who writes’, but there are all kinds of writing and designating someone as ‘a writer’ creates more questions than answers! If someone is introduced as a writer most of us immediately think ‘novelist’ or...

Blogging for business

Blogging is much talked about, but scarcely done activity!  Recent research done by Passle has revealed that only 1 in 8 businesses maintain an active blog.  As their definition of an ‘active blog’ is more than 3 posts A YEAR, that actually means that...