by lesley | Apr 18, 2011 | Blogging
When you’ve written a good blog and posted it on your own blog – is that it? As the daughter of a thrifty Yorkshirewoman, I know how to make a little go a long way so I use one blog for many things. This isn’t the only way to do this, but it is a...
by lesley | Apr 17, 2011 | Blogging
What is a blog? Well, it all started out as an online journal – think Star Trek ‘Captain’s log, stardate June 21st 2315’. Online logs were called ‘web logs’, shortened to ‘blogs’ and that kicked off something that...
by lesley | Apr 15, 2011 | Marketing
I am famous for being phone-phobic – I answer it, but rarely pick it up to make calls. Consequently, the idea of telemarketing is something that sends me running for something else to do – anything else! However, the same doesn’t apply to writing...
by lesley | Apr 14, 2011 | Marketing
Joining telemarketing and direct mail as effective ways to reach potential clients is email marketing. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what makes a good email campaign. Here are a few things to think about before you launch your next email marketing...
by lesley | Apr 12, 2011 | Headlines
This is the first thing you want people to do so you can connect them to your message. Whether it’s a brochure, flyer, website, blog, article or email the first thing they see must make them curious or interested enough to pursue things further. On a brochure...