Does social media still work?

Does social media still work?

I commented to one of my clients that their social media needed revamping as the posts they were scheduling weren’t really effective.  They pointed out that I had originally written these posts – five years ago!  They hadn’t considered how much social media has...
Blog writing for dummies

Blog writing for dummies

If you’re not a writer the idea of producing content regularly can be daunting – and prone to slipping off your to do list in favour of other tasks that you feel more comfortable doing! So what can you do to keep up with producing articles? Brainstorm your schedule...
The latest fashion

The latest fashion

Recently I suggested that a client should update their regular social media posts as I didn’t think they were working very well.  I got thrown a challenge “But you wrote them?” The answer was that social media has changed and the type of content people post needs to...