What IS a newsletter?

What IS a newsletter?

There are many opinions about what a newsletter is.  There is a faction that says the secret is in the name ‘NEWS-letter’.  However, what constitutes news for your audience? It’s probably not what YOU consider to be news, but remember that you’re delivering content to...
What makes a reputation?

What makes a reputation?

Your reputation is what people say about you, whether verbally or in writing.  To build a good reputation you need to influence two groups of people: Those who know you and have experienced your expertise Those who don’t know you yet Customers This includes clients –...
How good a shop window is your website?

How good a shop window is your website?

If you have an eCommerce website your website isn’t just your shop window – it’s your shop too.  But if you have what is often referred to as a ‘brochure site’, it’s intended to be a taster for people to get a feel for what you offer. This means that your home page...
Video can BE the radio star!

Video can BE the radio star!

One hit wonders, The Buggles, hit the charts in 1979 with their single Video killed the radio star – and claim the title for the first video to be aired on MTV.  Then they vanished (eventually joining prog-rock band Yes).  In 1979 video was just making its debut into...
Build a great email campaign

Build a great email campaign

There are many structures that work for email campaigns – this is just one example. First you need a free document with great value to open the offer.  This might be a ‘How to …’, Top Tips, Checklist for …, or even a 3 mistakes [target audience description] need...