Have you got half a marketing funnel?

Have you got half a marketing funnel?

Lots of people have created a lead magnet to help to grow their list, but that’s it.  There is so much more to a good marketing funnel than a lead magnet and a list.  That is literally the tip of the ‘iceberg’! Getting people signed up to your list is just the first...
What is your website doing for you?

What is your website doing for you?

I’ve seen some rubbish websites in my time – there are many still sitting around the internet.  I do wonder if they’re actually any use at all. If your website isn’t getting results you need to decide if it’s worth paying your hosting fee every month/year. I’m...
What is your 5%?

What is your 5%?

We’re working with a client who is launching his book at the end of April and I’ve been privileged to have beta read the book.  It’s about a huge adventure and highlights the amount of planning that is required for even a relatively short-term undertaking. One of the...
Yum, yum – another video!

Yum, yum – another video!

People talk about video consumption – we’re consumers of video – and, it seems, we’re addicted!  Do you go on YouTube to check something out and lose an hour or more watching entertaining or interesting video – and you still haven’t finished your to...
The long and the short of it

The long and the short of it

Emails come in many different shapes and sizes – but what works best? That’s a loaded question!  There are plenty of marketers who will tell you that long copy works – even though your personal view doesn’t support that.  Do you hate reading those long...