More than just a book

More than just a book

While it’s really good for your ego to be able to say you’ve authored a book, there is far more to a book than a little halo-polishing!  A book is the fuel for so many other things that will benefit your business. So if you have already published a book – or...
3 marketing funnel mistakes to avoid

3 marketing funnel mistakes to avoid

Whether you call it a sales funnel or a marketing funnel – the purpose is to bring in new leads who have a need for whatever you are offering. These are a few of the pitfalls that prevent your funnel from working as well as it could. 1: A lead magnet that has a...
The gentle art of persuasion

The gentle art of persuasion

In most networking groups ‘sales’ is almost a dirty word.  However, sales is the lifeblood of every business – no sales = no money!  The problem is nobody likes being sold to, but that doesn’t stop us wanting to buy stuff! If you look at the traditional sales...
Style over substance

Style over substance

One of the things I’ve noticed as we’ve all had to change the way we work is that people are paying more attention to planning.  Maybe it’s because they are having to do more with less budget; maybe it’s because they are having to work differently and need a different...
The Social Mix

The Social Mix

One of the questions we get asked most frequently is ‘What should we post on social media?’. It may seem like an ‘obvious’ question, but it’s hard to find or generate good quality  content that establishes your reputation and engages potential clients. Also, different...