Less is more

Less is more

When you start to create marketing material the temptation to fill the available space is strong.  You often feel that you need to ensure the reader has ALL the information they could possibly need to make a buying decision. But, when the tables are turned, do you...
Get expert help

Get expert help

Before I get started – I am NOT a Facebook expert.  I admit that it’s not my preferred platform for business, but that doesn’t mean I don’t know its value.  That’s why I have a Facebook expert in my team. If you’re selling products or services directly to the consumer...
Jam packed!

Jam packed!

If I had a pound for every marketing flyer or promo card I’ve been given that is packed with loads of information I’d be very rich. When I meet small business owners, especially start ups they are often seduced by the low cost online options to create your own...
What is ‘marketing material’?

What is ‘marketing material’?

Many business owners think that marketing material is leaflets, flyers and brochures.  Yes, definitely, but there are many other items that could be included: Your business card: cards have two sides and the reverse is an opportunity to let people know a bit more...
Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

There’s a saying that if you want to find the most efficient way to do something you should ask a lazy person.  The assumption is that they will find the way to achieve the result with the minimum of effort – but why should you work any harder than necessary?...