What a show-off!

What a show-off!

If you follow what I write about you’ll know that I talk about the RAVE acronym – Reputation, Authority, Visibility, Expertise – and today I’m focused on Expertise. Unless someone has actually paid for your services, how do they know how good you are?  They have to...
What a show-off!

What does your website tell your visitor?

It’s a conversation that I have over and over again and it usually starts with “What do you want to say on your website?” when I’m taking a brief from a client. The answer varies a bit, but almost always includes things like: We want people to know about all our...
What a show-off!

Lies, damn lies and marketing

If you own a business you know that marketing is one of those things that everyone tells you are essential.  Most people understand the sales process, but marketing is often seen as a bit ‘woolly’! I used to work for a big organisation and their marketing...
What a show-off!

Marketing messages

If you’re creating marketing material then you really need to get the message targeted – and most marketers know about that.  They do lots of research into what attracts their ideal client’s attention.  However, few marketers know HOW people process...
What a show-off!

Stand out from the crowd

In business everyone has competition, so to get ahead of the pack you really have to stand out – and that can be difficult.  There are lots of ways you can stand out: Dye your hair green Drive around in really noticeable car Always wear the same colour –...