by lesley | Oct 6, 2015 | Readability
If you’re creating marketing material then you really need to get the message targeted – and most marketers know about that. They do lots of research into what attracts their ideal client’s attention. However, few marketers know HOW people process...
by lesley | Sep 14, 2015 | Marketing, Reputation
In business everyone has competition, so to get ahead of the pack you really have to stand out – and that can be difficult. There are lots of ways you can stand out: Dye your hair green Drive around in really noticeable car Always wear the same colour –...
by lesley | Sep 1, 2015 | Marketing
Be honest – when you’re planning to promote one of your products or services where is your focus: On the product/service? On the customer? On getting it all to the printer/publishing online ‘in time’? If the answer is any of these your...
by lesley | Aug 17, 2015 | Writing Skills
When it comes to writing to promote your business you want people to really get what you do, how good at it you are and what all round nice people you are – right? OK – now think about your reaction when you receive information from a possible supplier....
by lesley | Apr 20, 2015 | Marketing
Can you answer these three questions – easily? What would your ideal client look like? What is their biggest problem/frustration/challenge – that you can solve for them? What are the benefits that they’d get from working with you – instead of...