12 ways to get RAVEs

12 ways to get RAVEs

I created the RAVE acronym to help people to see the value of promoting their company – here are 12 tips to build your RAVE factor Reputation Check your online security – Facebook privacy settings, notifications from your various platforms and change...
Making a splash!

Making a splash!

I attend offline networking events regularly and, even now social media has evolved so much, I still get people asking why they should be on it.  There are still a few business people (more than you might think) who can’t see the point. I’m not the oracle on all...
12 ways to get RAVEs

Being in the spotlight

I was reading something the other day that featured a quote: It’s not what you say about your business that matters; it’s what other people say.  Whilst what other people say is really important, really smart business owners invest time and effort in...
Reputation + Relationship = Revenue

Reputation + Relationship = Revenue

On a theoretical level we all know that reputation is important and that, without a relationship, business does not get done – so you need both to generate revenue reliably. If you are proactive in building strong relationships you’ll enhance your...
How to set up a lead generator

How to set up a lead generator

In an ideal world business owners would have an effective lead-generator that delivered hot prospects daily.  Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy as it sounds and it takes serious effort to get the attention of prospective customers and then convert them to sales....