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Get our Newsletter!

How many websites do you visit and they ask you to ‘sign up’ for their newsletter? There’s no indication of what the newsletter will deliver and these days most of us are smart enough to recognise it as a means of getting our email address to market to us. There’s...
Get our Newsletter!

Read all about it!

Anyone who has watched a few old films will be familiar with the newspaper vendor on the street corner, shouting ‘Read all about it!’ in relation to the latest big story.  People buy newspapers to get the latest stories about events that are happening...
The pros and cons of Newsletters

The pros and cons of Newsletters

There are two ways to look at newsletters – whether they arrive in the post or, more likely, in your inbox – as the sender or as the receiver! It’s interesting that people who complain about the amount of spam email and post they get still send out...
What makes a great newsletter?

What makes a great newsletter?

This is very subjective – everyone has a different view of what they want in a newsletter, but we all get so many these days that those that are read consistently have to offer real value, consistently and repeatedly. If you’re like me, you’ve signed...
What makes a great newsletter?

13 tips for successful newsletter

Good newsletters are great; but very few newsletters are really good. Most are average and many are a not very well disguised sales pitch. Newsletters are marketing tools and writing for the reader is the key to success. Here are my thoughts on newsletters –...