What is marketing?

What is marketing?

I go to networking meetings regularly and so I often get asked ‘What do you do?’  It’s hard to explain it in one word or a short phrase, so it can end up being more of a list.  Many people are surprised at some of the things we do – and that led to this blog! Our team...
Uncharted territory …

Uncharted territory …

With a lovely new shiny year to explore, most people see the months ahead as uncharted territory.  Most of us measure the year by the calendar – you hear phrases like “I hope this year is going to be better than the last one,” or “Last year was amazing – now we just...
When did you last ask for a testimonial?

When did you last ask for a testimonial?

Testimonials are powerful and most of your customers and clients would be happy to provide one – but they need to be asked or it just doesn’t cross their minds. Testimonials are third party validation.  They’re great marketing tools – providing they have the right...
What’s your influence strategy?

What’s your influence strategy?

Your reputation depends on what other people say and write about you.  If you have a good reputation, it means you’re doing something right.  But what happens if your reputation is good, but is almost a trade secret? Lots of people do a great job for their customers,...
I don’t know what’s working

I don’t know what’s working

John Wanamaker, a 19th century retailer is accredited with the quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Many businesses say similar things about their marketing – along the lines of ‘I know some of my...