Plan for social media success

Plan for social media success

Social media success isn’t an accident, it’s the result of a great deal of effort.  Some people find it easy, others consider it’s a necessary evil.  Your approach will, to a large extent generate the results – if you hate doing it, your posts will reflect...
Video stars

Video stars

There’s no denying that video gets more attention.  Plus when you post videos onto your YouTube channel, you’re putting them directly onto the second biggest search engine worldwide. But videos are expensive to produce – aren’t they? They can be – but they...
The 5 Cs of social media content

The 5 Cs of social media content

If you’ve dabbled in social media, know that it’s important, but have no idea how to make it work on a business level – or make it worth the effort you have to put in keep reading. If you: Put in lots of effort with little result Spend hours trying to keep up...
The importance of strategy

The importance of strategy

One of my mentors used to say to me “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.”  He was talking about the importance of having a goal, before you start doing things.  Everything you do should be taking you a step towards your goals.  Every...
Posting for business

Posting for business

Social media seems to get more complex every day – especially if you’re using it to raise your business profile.  Walking the line between promotion and engagement is always difficult – and every social platform is different. There was a time when it was...