What is your website doing for you?

What is your website doing for you?

I’ve seen some rubbish websites in my time – there are many still sitting around the internet.  I do wonder if they’re actually any use at all. If your website isn’t getting results you need to decide if it’s worth paying your hosting fee every month/year. I’m...
Tablets are changing websites

Tablets are changing websites

I’ve ranted on at length about the way people process information when they view the website, but the advent of tablets is beginning to change how we behave online. I’ve always been phobic about very long pages that people have to scroll a lot to read, but...
5 tips on clicking and scrolling

5 tips on clicking and scrolling

No – not rocking and rolling – but the on screen equivalent!  Someone, somewhere made a ‘rule’ that you should be able to arrive at the page you want in no more than three clicks.  Then someone else also made a ‘rule’ that said a...
5 reasons why people don’t get your message

5 reasons why people don’t get your message

If you want people to get your message you need them to hang around long enough to read it. There are lots of reasons people don’t stay on a website; these are just five of them: 1. Too much going on, making it difficult for them to focus on any one thing and...