5 tips to make Pinterest work

5 tips to make Pinterest work

Pinterest is one of those social platforms that people either ‘get’ or don’t.  People have heard about it, but don’t really know how to make it work. It’s particularly good if you’re selling products or services direct to the consumer, but it can work for B2B too. ...
Let the system take the strain

Let the system take the strain

You’ve got a list, but how do you stay connected to those people who may have signed up to your list months or even years ago. Typically, people get on your list because they: Have met you and liked what you had to say Signed up for your freebie (lead magnet) Been on...
… With love from me to you

… With love from me to you

If you’re of a certain age, or into 60s music, you’ll recognise that phrase from a Beatles hit.  So why am I writing about song lyrics?  I’m not, but it was a great hook to hang my thoughts about email marketing on! A lot of people resist email marketing – after...
Facebook: business or personal?

Facebook: business or personal?

I’ve been using Facebook since it started back in 2005 – and while I wouldn’t call myself an expert, I know a bit about it.  I have a personal profile and I drop in a few times a week and read what my friends and family share.  I like things, I comment...
Press releases: start with the end in mind

Press releases: start with the end in mind

Unlike articles and stories, the aim of a press release is not to suck the reader in due to curiosity and take them on a journey to the punch line at the end. A press release is intended to get an editor’s attention.  Whether that’s the editor of a publication or the...