10 tips to grow your list

10 tips to grow your list

Your list is the people who have said ‘I’m interested’; the fact that people have signed up indicates that.  They may not be ready to buy anything today, but they have shown an interest.  Now it’s up to you to impress the socks off them so, when they are ready to buy,...
What can you automate?

What can you automate?

People buy people – and that means you need to be a real person and communicate directly with your customers and potential clients.  But we all have just 24 hours in any day and you need to use them wisely to avoid burnout or finding you haven’t earned any money...
Share your specialism

Share your specialism

Pinterest is a platform that’s totally focused on images – but when it comes to it – what kind of images work best? Infographics These are very popular.  Basically, they take your expertise and break it down into small bites.  They’re great for sharing...
Style beats a sales pitch

Style beats a sales pitch

Email marketing is one of those bones of contention.  None of us likes to be sold at, but, if we’re a business owner, we want marketing tools to get our message out.  My guess is that you unsubscribe from, or simply delete, any incoming emails that are a sales pitch. ...
Start a subscription service

Start a subscription service

If you deliver products or services to other businesses (B2B) you may consider Facebook isn’t for you, but it’s an excellent platform for launching a subscription service as it offers some features that aren’t available on other platforms. You can run a private group...
Pick of the Press

Pick of the Press

New clients often look at PR as writing an article to promote their latest ‘news’ and then wonder why their articles don’t get published. Sit in the editor’s shoes.  Regardless of what type of publication they produce, they need to deliver articles that will interest...
How good is your business focus?

How good is your business focus?

If you’re about to set up in business it’s a scary step to take.  When you’re going from a reliable income as an employee to the captain of your own ship exploring relatively unknown waters with rewards that are, at best, projections, with no guarantees, it can be...
7 essential tips for working from home

7 essential tips for working from home

Suddenly everyone has become a home-worker – and struggling to get to grips with the difference it makes.  People who have previously worked face-to-face now have to find a way to function in a virtual world – so choirs, keep fit instructors, networking...
5 steps to find your next client

5 steps to find your next client

If you’re a business owner and you have a profile on LinkedIn, you are probably hoping that it will give you a network that will spit out new clients or customers and help your business grow. Here’s the bad news – it won’t unless you put some effort into it. And...