Beam me up, Scotty!

Beam me up, Scotty!

Everyone talks about blogs, bloggers and even vloggers – but where did this word come from?  Being a wordy person I know the answer! Originally blogs were a sort of on line journal or diary – and known as web logs.  If you ever watched Star Trek you’ll remember the...
Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

There’s a saying that if you want to find the most efficient way to do something you should ask a lazy person.  The assumption is that they will find the way to achieve the result with the minimum of effort – but why should you work any harder than necessary?...
What’s the point of a blog?

What’s the point of a blog?

If nobody reads it – nothing.  But how do you get a following like some of the well-known bloggers who make millions from writing blogs? Most of these bloggers are young in their 20s and have a massive following around a specific subject.  They earn their money from...
‘Just’ blogging

‘Just’ blogging

Some of my clients ‘get’ blogging; others can’t see the point. The doubters don’t understand why they should invest in writing content for their blog.  Who sees it?  What will it do for your profit line?  How do I know if it’s making a difference? If you are just...
‘Just’ blogging

Blogging for business

When I mention blogging many people groan; “I don’t have time,” they tell me.  Some of these people send a monthly newsletter out, most of them post material on social media – in my book that’s reinventing the wheel! I’m lazy and they do say that if you want to find...
‘Just’ blogging

Do you use the Magic Matrix?

  More years ago than I care to remember I met Peter Thomson and spent lots of time in his development programmes.  One of things that he taught me that was very simple (but rarely used) is the Magic Matrix. This is a way to identify new business from existing...