Does anyone actually read a newsletter?

Does anyone actually read a newsletter?

I’m asked this all the time by clients and people I meet networking.  There was a time when you could put a ‘Sign up to my newsletter’ form on your website and lots of people would sign up, but not anymore. That doesn’t mean they don’t read newsletters, it does mean...
It’s good news week!

It’s good news week!

When an email lands in your inbox what makes you want to open it? Let’s be honest – we get loads of rubbish emails that evade the spam filter and are greeted with a quick click of the delete button.  But there are emails that you actively want to open – why? My guess...
Warm and fuzzy feelings

Warm and fuzzy feelings

If you send out a newsletter, regularly or irregularly, what is the purpose of it? There are lots of answers to this: To remind people what we do To keep people up-to-date with what we’re doing To introduce new team members to our list To let people know about new...
What IS a newsletter?

What IS a newsletter?

There are many opinions about what a newsletter is.  There is a faction that says the secret is in the name ‘NEWS-letter’.  However, what constitutes news for your audience? It’s probably not what YOU consider to be news, but remember that you’re delivering content to...
Newsletters: For or against?

Newsletters: For or against?

Do you like newsletters?  Do you read the ones that arrive in your email inbox? We send out a newsletter twice a month, but it’s not really ‘news’, in the sense that it’s not about what’s going on in our business.  Nobody cares about what we’re doing, only in getting...
What’s the point?

What’s the point?

Newsletters are becoming fewer.  It’s rare to get an actual printed newsletter in today’s world, everyone is going green and the perception is that a digital communication is greener than a printed one (and there’s a whole can of worms there, but now is not the place...