Key social media platforms

Key social media platforms

There are thousands of social media, social bookmarking, social networking and microblogging sites, but what do they all do? Social media is a term that includes most of the others and also blogging, online article writing and newsletters. They’re all means of...
Key social media platforms

Social media and your business

It’s almost impossible to avoid social media these days – unless you’ve been living in the middle of a desert for the past few years with no communication with the rest of the world. Everyone has opinions about it from ‘total waste of...
Key social media platforms

The secrets to online marketing success

Many people are seduced into using online marketing because there are lots of free services – like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Blogger, etc. However, if you just to use a method of promotion because it’s free, you will end up with a scatter gun...
Key social media platforms

Social media for everyone

This is an unashamed promotion for two programmes that I’m involved with to help people get the most out of their online activities. The first is on 5th October and is a four hour session focused on all the available tools and options and creating a strategy to...
Key social media platforms

14 Twitter tips

If you ever wonder what to post on Twitter – here are 14 ideas to get you started. 1. Share your knowledge and demonstrate your expertise; give us tips that we can use. 2. Tell us what you’re doing, not having lunch, but the latest project you’ve...
Key social media platforms

Getting your online profile right

When creating a profile on an online social network, think about it as the equivalent of meeting someone for the first time at a networking event. What sort of things do you talk about and in what terms? Don’t turn people off with a sales pitch and don’t...