All social platforms are not equal

All social platforms are not equal

Social media is a fantastic way to put your business in the spotlight – providing you do it in the right way – but which social platform do you choose – or should you just hit them all? This is all about your client – if you know who you’re...
5 tips to make Pinterest work

5 tips to make Pinterest work

Pinterest is one of those social platforms that people either ‘get’ or don’t.  People have heard about it, but don’t really know how to make it work. It’s particularly good if you’re selling products or services direct to the consumer, but it can work for B2B too. ...
What shall I post on social media?

What shall I post on social media?

If you’re using social media for business, it can be tough to create consistent content that engages with the people that you want to.  You probably have heard the phrase ‘content is king’ more times than you want to, but it is true. First things first you’ll need to...
Share your specialism

Share your specialism

Pinterest is a platform that’s totally focused on images – but when it comes to it – what kind of images work best? Infographics These are very popular.  Basically, they take your expertise and break it down into small bites.  They’re great for sharing...
Social or business?

Social or business?

If you’re in business you need to do some marketing to keep your business’s profile visible to potential clients.  But what kind of activities should you be doing to market your business effectively? Marketing today cannot ignore social media as a valuable resource to...
Build your boards

Build your boards

Pinterest was relatively late to the social media party, launching in 2012 – but hit 10 million users in record time.  But how does it work? It’s a very, very simple concept.  You create virtual notice boards for specified subjects and pin digital images to...