Is your reputation bankable?

Is your reputation bankable?

There is an argument that you can’t put a price on your reputation, but what happens when something happens to dent your reputation?  You don’t want negative feedback on Google or TrustPilot or any other platform – because it influences what people who don’t know you...
Don’t be a spammer

Don’t be a spammer

When I talk to clients about email marketing the most common comment I hear is “I don’t want to be a spammer.” This says a lot about the view of email marketing – it’s seen as unwanted junk landing in your inbox.  In other words it’s got a bad reputation – but why?...
The latest fashion

The latest fashion

Recently I suggested that a client should update their regular social media posts as I didn’t think they were working very well.  I got thrown a challenge “But you wrote them?” The answer was that social media has changed and the type of content people post needs to...
What makes a reputation?

What makes a reputation?

Your reputation is what people say about you, whether verbally or in writing.  To build a good reputation you need to influence two groups of people: Those who know you and have experienced your expertise Those who don’t know you yet Customers This includes clients –...
Build a great email campaign

Build a great email campaign

There are many structures that work for email campaigns – this is just one example. First you need a free document with great value to open the offer.  This might be a ‘How to …’, Top Tips, Checklist for …, or even a 3 mistakes [target audience description] need...