… With love from me to you

… With love from me to you

If you’re of a certain age, or into 60s music, you’ll recognise that phrase from a Beatles hit.  So why am I writing about song lyrics?  I’m not, but it was a great hook to hang my thoughts about email marketing on! A lot of people resist email marketing – after...
What do you want in your inbox?

What do you want in your inbox?

There was once a time when incoming email was exciting, we couldn’t wait to see what goodies would land – but that time has long gone.  Today you’re probably like most of us – sighing with frustration at the rubbish that lands in your inbox hourly....
What can you automate?

What can you automate?

People buy people – and that means you need to be a real person and communicate directly with your customers and potential clients.  But we all have just 24 hours in any day and you need to use them wisely to avoid burnout or finding you haven’t earned any money...
Style beats a sales pitch

Style beats a sales pitch

Email marketing is one of those bones of contention.  None of us likes to be sold at, but, if we’re a business owner, we want marketing tools to get our message out.  My guess is that you unsubscribe from, or simply delete, any incoming emails that are a sales pitch. ...
A list with value

A list with value

Every marketer relies on a list.  Email marketing is still an effective tool and, if you don’t have a list already, there are courses that show you how to build a list. A couple of years ago GDPR hit many marketers hard, reducing lists as the contacts failed to...