Are you getting the right leads?

Are you getting the right leads?

Lead generation is the lifeblood of your business, whether it’s finding new customers who have not heard of you before, warming up your network or developing advocates who will recommend you. There’s more to finding clients or customers than simply posting a few...
What’s the point?

What’s the point?

Newsletters are becoming fewer.  It’s rare to get an actual printed newsletter in today’s world, everyone is going green and the perception is that a digital communication is greener than a printed one (and there’s a whole can of worms there, but now is not the place...
Plan for social media success

Plan for social media success

Social media success isn’t an accident, it’s the result of a great deal of effort.  Some people find it easy, others consider it’s a necessary evil.  Your approach will, to a large extent generate the results – if you hate doing it, your posts will reflect...
What’s the gossip?

What’s the gossip?

Human beings are curious creatures – they’re always gossiping about each other.  Even if you don’t think you are – when you discuss someone else with another person, whether on the phone, in person, at a networking event or on social media – you’re...