Why write newsletters?

Why write newsletters?

What’s the point of writing and sending out newsletters?  They should form part of your marketing strategy – and there must be a purpose that fits into that strategy for every activity. Ask most businesses that send out a newsletter ‘What do you want it to...
Building your reputation

Building your reputation

There are lots of ways to build your reputation, but it’s easier to influence people who already have some experience of you, than to start cold with someone who doesn’t know you at all. That’s where a newsletter is invaluable.  It serves three main purposes: Keeping...
How attached is your newsletter?

How attached is your newsletter?

When you create a newsletter the means of delivery matters.  It’s rare for newsletters to be produced as a physical paper production today for all kinds of reasons, not least the environmental impact.  That means most emails are delivered digitally. The question is do...
Nobody wants another newsletter

Nobody wants another newsletter

If your inbox is anything like mine, you really don’t need another newsletter.  If you are asked to sign up for a newsletter list, you probably won’t.  Yet people are really successful in growing massive email lists – so what’s their secret? The answer is VALUE!...
Why send a newsletter?

Why send a newsletter?

Newsletters are part of your email marketing strategy, but just randomly sending them out, isn’t good marketing.  They need to have purpose. If you’ve read my previous blogs you’ll know that a newsletter that is simply keeping people up-to-date with your...