Word games

Word games

After a post on Twitter yesterday I discovered I’d stirred up a nest of people who are equally irritated by others who use the wrong version of words like ‘lose’ (loose); compliment (complement); your (you’re); there (their and they’re)...
Are you making an impact?

Are you making an impact?

In business your success is often directly linked to the impact you make on other people. We all know people who are very good at something, but aren’t as successful as another person who is maybe not as good at that skill, but really knows how to make an impact...
Are you making an impact?

Presenting yourself to the world

These days most of us don’t ‘cold call’ – it’s more ‘warm connections’. You meet people at networking events or through online profiles on a wide variety of sites and, when you need a service, you contact the people you have...