by lesley | May 4, 2010 | Headlines, Newsletters, Testimonials
Usability is about how easy your site is for people to get around, find what they want, get from a to b with the least effort. Typical web users are lazy – and impatient! That means you and me too. I’m not trying to be insulting, but think about it: When...
by lesley | Apr 28, 2010 | Readability, Website copy
If you’ve ever arrived on a website that is a mass of boxes, messages and pictures you’ll know what I mean by the patchwork quilt effect! Websites like this have many things to offer the visitor and the website owner is anxious to show all their wares up...
by lesley | Apr 9, 2010 | Readability, Website copy
Everyone seems to be obsessed with being ‘on the front page’ of Google, getting up the search engine rankings and getting hotshot AdWord specialists to increase the traffic to their website. Of course, getting traffic is important; it doesn’t matter...
by lesley | May 8, 2009 | Headlines, Press & Media, Readability, Website copy
You’re probably already guessing at lots of things your website should do – and you’re probably right for most of them, but these are my absolute essentials: # One – have a clear purpose Most people will say that their website is to make sales...
by lesley | Mar 2, 2009 | Headlines, Marketing, Readability, Testimonials, Website copy
Usability is all about how easy it is for people to find the answer to their query, the information they wanted and their way around your site. The first challenge is that people can see whether you’ve got what they thought they wanted quickly. This is usually...