Web copy for impatient people

Web copy for impatient people

Have ever watched someone waiting for a web page to download? Do they sit calmly or are their fingers tapping impatiently and a certain amount of muttering and sighing going on if it doesn’t snap onto the screen instantly? It’s amazing when you think that...
Web copy for impatient people

Are you unique?

There are probably thousands of websites – probably tens of thousands – offering similar services or products to yours – all with web copy written in the hope of attracting new business. Whether or not you have competitors you probably think that...
Web copy for impatient people

Why do people buy you?

When you’re creating web copy for your site you need to be absolutely clear on the reason that people buy your services. If you guess you’ll probably guess wrong! Be assured it isn’t because you are the only person delivering a particular service, or...
Web copy for impatient people

Powerful web copy

I’ve been looking at web copy that is intended to persuade and it seems that when you want action you have to use sentences with power. For instance, do you say: ‘If you’d like to improve your skills you’ll find this programme will help you to...