What is a blog?

What is a blog?

‘Blog’ is a shortened form of ‘Web log’, and a log is a record of something.  Remember how episodes of Start Trek started with Captain’s log Stardate …?  That was a sort of diary of events – and that’s how blogs started as people’s online diary. Of course, these...
Polish up your prose

Polish up your prose

‘I can’t write’! This is a statement I hear people saying a lot.  In fact, it’s why we have a business – as that’s the service we offer, whether it’s a blog, copy for a website, social media posts, an email campaign or a regular newsletter.  However, if you’d...
The article with 9 lives

The article with 9 lives

Once upon a time there was an article.  The author had written a great 500 words to publish on their website’s blog, but then, like the fabled cat, the article was reincarnated many different times. Life 1 The blog appeared in written format on the author’s website...
10 ideas for your blog

10 ideas for your blog

The most frequent reason people tell me they don’t write blogs is because they don’t know what to write about – so here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing. 1: Answer a question When I’m networking people often ask me questions around my area of...
How to leverage your blog

How to leverage your blog

Some people ‘get’ why blog articles are important; others think it’s a waste of time. Writing articles to publish on your website is part of your marketing.  In pre-www days, PR companies would charge a premium to get press coverage for a company – in fact, they...
Changing gears

Changing gears

It’s been a ‘mare of a year with the pandemic, lockdown, people out of work, companies collapsing, so, if you’ve kept your head above the water – take a bow, you deserve it. We’ve got a new vocabulary with ‘lockdown’, ‘furlough’, ‘pivot’ and ‘PPE’ all becoming...